Find what you need at the Leopard Gecko Habitat. Here is a list of our best FAQ articles and posts for Frequently Asked Questions
It could take a leopard gecko a few days to a few weeks to fully settle in and feel comfortable in a new environments. We’ve outlined some common behavior and ways to make your leopard gecko happy
Leopard geckos do not need regular baths. They originally come from dry arid regions where pools of water are uncommon, and cannot swim. They’re just not built for the water and a typically don’t like being submerged.
You’re bound to have some “new owner” leopard gecko questions as you’re learning how to care for yours. We’ve compiled some common leopard gecko questions into a new owner leopard gecko guide.
Many pet lizards can be unnerving with their unblinking reptilian gaze. It looks like they are always alert, always watching. People often wonder if leopard geckos can close their eyes. Leopard geckos can and do close their eyes. Leopard geckos can blink. Leopard geckos sleep with their eyes closed. The ability to close their eyes…
If you’re considering a reptile as a pet, leopard geckos are a great choice. To make sure you’re prepared to care for your new pet, we’ve compiled a list of key things to know before getting a leopard gecko.
Hatchling and juvenile leopard geckos may poop several times a day, where adult leopard geckos may poop once every few days. Age, metabolism, and amount of food consumed will all affect how often a leopard gecko poops.
What is a leopard gecko morph? The short answer is that morphs are a result of genetic breeding, which produce variations of colors and patterns of a leopard gecko’s skin. (The same techniques are used for other lizards and snakes as well.) Essentially, a leopard gecko morph is the same gecko with a different paint…
Nearly every child wants a pet at some point, and they may ask for a reptile or a lizard. You may find yourself asking, “Are leopard geckos kid friendly?”
In this post, we’ll talk a bit about your leopard gecko’s need for heat, and tell you how we made it through a five day power outage in the winter. As the temperature dropped, I was wondering myself how long can leopard geckos go without heat. Reptiles are endothermic, or cold blooded. This means that…
Do leopard geckos pee? Yes, they do, though leopard gecko pee is solid, not liquid. Wait, what? Solid pee? How can that be? Let me explain.