If you’ve decided to add superworms to you leopard gecko’s diet, you may consider breeding superworms yourself to keep a steady supply on hand. By following along with our superworm breeding guide, you can cut down your costs and not have to worry about shortages from suppliers. Here’s the overview for folks looking for a…
Do leopard geckos pee? Yes, they do, though leopard gecko pee is solid, not liquid. Wait, what? Solid pee? How can that be? Let me explain.
Mealworms are a staple food for many pet reptiles, including leopard geckos, and are easy to find at most pet stores. With a little effort, you can save money and have an always ready supply at home. If you’re wondering how to breed mealworms, we’ll walk you through everything you need to get started. So,…
Even with the best of care, your beloved leopard gecko may get sick. Here are a few things to watch out for and what you can do to prevent illness. If you’re asking, “How do I know if my leopard gecko is sick” or “What do I do if my leopard gecko is sick?” then…
What do leopard geckos eat? Leopard geckos are insectivores, which means they eat live insects. Unlike other common pet reptiles like iguanas or bearded dragons, leopard geckos do not eat vegetables, fruit, or plants. In fact, leopard geckos are not built to digest plant matter. What should I feed a leopard gecko? A pet leopard…
If you’re a proud new leopard gecko owner or considering one as a pet, you may have wondered, “How can I safely handle my leopard gecko?” or “How do I tame a leopard gecko?” We have a few simple leopard gecko handling tips to help you tame your gecko so you and your new reptile…
You’re a responsible pet owner, but everybody needs a vacation or holiday sometime. How can you leave home for an extended period and make sure your beloved leopard gecko is going to be okay? Here are some things to consider for leopard gecko vacation care. Leopard geckos are hearty reptiles, and are not a high…
When I was first shopping for a leopard gecko, a pet store employee told me not to bother with a water bowl because, “Leopard Geckos don’t drink water.” This is NOT TRUE. Even though they originate from dry desert regions, they need water to survive. Leopard geckos drink water, and should have a bowl of…