What is a leopard gecko morph? The short answer is that morphs are a result of genetic breeding, which produce variations of colors and patterns of a leopard gecko’s skin. (The same techniques are used for other lizards and snakes as well.) Essentially, a leopard gecko morph is the same gecko with a different paint…
Nearly every child wants a pet at some point, and they may ask for a reptile or a lizard. You may find yourself asking, “Are leopard geckos kid friendly?”
In this post, we’ll talk a bit about your leopard gecko’s need for heat, and tell you how we made it through a five day power outage in the winter. As the temperature dropped, I was wondering myself how long can leopard geckos go without heat. Reptiles are endothermic, or cold blooded. This means that…
If you’ve decided to add superworms to you leopard gecko’s diet, you may consider breeding superworms yourself to keep a steady supply on hand. By following along with our superworm breeding guide, you can cut down your costs and not have to worry about shortages from suppliers. Here’s the overview for folks looking for a…
Do leopard geckos pee? Yes, they do, though leopard gecko pee is solid, not liquid. Wait, what? Solid pee? How can that be? Let me explain.
When setting up your leopard gecko habitat, there are plenty of substrate options. Substrate is the material you use to cover the floor of your pet’s tank or enclosure. It’s the first thing you’ll put in your tank, it’s what you’ll set your tank décor on, and ultimately it’s what your leopard gecko will crawl around…
Mealworms are a staple food for many pet reptiles, including leopard geckos, and are easy to find at most pet stores. With a little effort, you can save money and have an always ready supply at home. If you’re wondering how to breed mealworms, we’ll walk you through everything you need to get started. So,…
Even with the best of care, your beloved leopard gecko may get sick. Here are a few things to watch out for and what you can do to prevent illness. If you’re asking, “How do I know if my leopard gecko is sick” or “What do I do if my leopard gecko is sick?” then…
Leopard geckos shed their skin for the same reasons other reptiles do. In a word: Growth. Their old skin no longer fits because the lizard has outgrown it.
Leopard geckos are hardy reptiles known for their docile and easy going demeanor. They are rarely aggressive, and easy to tame and handle. These traits make the leopard gecko a great choice for beginners or experienced reptile enthusiasts. When considering one of these little lizards as a pet, it’s important to understand some key traits…